Project: #AutisticAnswers App
Sector: Health & Welness, Education
Project Time: 10 Weeks
My Roles: Entire product development, from discovery phase to product launch
-Project Manager
-UX Research, UI Design & Testing
-Competitive & Business Analysis
Concept Overview:
Sector: Health & Welness, Education
Project Time: 10 Weeks
My Roles: Entire product development, from discovery phase to product launch
-Project Manager
-UX Research, UI Design & Testing
-Competitive & Business Analysis
Concept Overview:
#AutisticAnswers is an app that connects users with affirmative Autism information and resources in their area, as well as access to content from a growing community of Autistic influencers! Whether you are Autistic, or just Autism curious, #AutisticAnswers will change the way we think of, and live, with Autism.
In 2019, I started an Instagram account to share my experiences (frustrations!) living as an openly Autistic women who was diagnosed in adulthood. As a comedian, I try to find the funny in everything, so although the challenges I have overcome, I have always strived to find positive solutions and share my findings with others (no small talk please!). I called the account @Aspergirl as I was mixing real Autism information with my comedic femme twist. Flash forward two years, and @Aspergirl gained almost 40,000 followers. I had initially thought my experiences as an undiagnosed Autistic, navigating "normal" life like an alien lost on Earth, was unique. I had no idea that my story of struggling for affirmative support would not only be common, but once I started sharing my experiences on Instagram, I realized there were so many of us crying out for Autism resources and a support network with no where to turn to BUT chaotic connection of social media. There MUST be a better way?!?!
Problem Definition
How might we provide an experience of identity validation and affirmative support to achieve the health and wellness goals of Autistic adults and Autism-curious users, who often feel isolated, lost and stigmatized when trying to find Autism services, both online and in their communities.
Problem Solution
The process of determining the pathway towards a solution began with extensive user surveys and interviews. One of the key takeaways from the initial findings was that adult Autistics tended not to trust professional services and available resources due to a lifetime of discrimination from society and authority figures, including clinicians, employers and their own family members. Therefore, developing a product that incorporated and highlighted Autistic perspectives in the production was important to build trust with users. Autistics are used to feeling like Autism is THE problem to be solved. This app is designed to solve the problem of lack of positive Autism tools available to help Autistics build and maintain healthy lives in a society that may not accept/understand us.
I conducted initial surveys with 88 self-identified Autistics via Instagram and Reddit. 96% of participants responded that lack of access to Autism resources, lack of positive tools to explore their health & wellness and lack of affirmative connection, online was a huge problem in their lives.

Who are the Users & How do we support them?
After interviewing with 10 self-identified Autistics and surveying 100 more self-identified Autistic and Autism-curious participants online, I was able to get better understanding of the demographics and psychographics of who the target users are and how to design an interactive product that could support their needs.

Autistic User: Very interactive, has experiences to share and needs outlet, looking for validation
Autism-Curious User: Observational & wants to learn passively, looking for Autistic perspective
Autistic Users: 80% LGBTQ+ identified, self or professionally diagnosed
Autism-Curious User: Healthcare professional, Family member of Autistic or Seeking a diagnosis
Other Key Findings from Users:
1. Users appreciate having step-by-step concise information so that they can know exactly what to expect from each experience. NO SURPRISES!
2. Users are looking for features that are well organized and simple to use and read, like graphs, calendars and customizable filters to control how much content they are viewing.
3. Users want content that is created by Autistics as much as possible.
The extensive user surveys and interviews helped me piece together portraits that highlight the motivations, frustrations and daily life goals of the potential app users. Meet Megan, one the Personas who inspired #AutisticAnswers in its initial development.

As many of the users I surveyed indicated they had challenges with their visual sensory processing, it was crucial that the App have a minimalist and sensory-friendly design, free of bright colours and unnecessary details that could be distracting. It was important to have an interface that was appealing both to Autistic and not-Autistic-but-curious users.

Next Phase: Wire-framing, Site Map & Prototyping!